Motorized roller conveyors
Motorized roller conveyors in variable finishes are designed for the continual or intervallic transport of varying transport goods (stacks of plywood, pieces of furniture, etc.) and are part of our standard range of products.
When you do business with us you will have competent advisor on your side due to our broad selection load-bearing rollers, drive train systems and special roller conveyor profiles. We gladly develop effective, cost-optimized transport solutions tailored to your spatial conditions and specific merchandise.
The section below displays some of our roller and chain conveyor variations: the load-bearing rollers are available in different finishes such as plastic, stainless steel, aluminum or steel:Motorized O-Belt Roller Conveyor Series 200
Equipped with in-laid load-bearing rollers. A lateral alignment along a reference edge is made possible due to the diagonally set load-bearing rollers.
Motorized Tangential Roller Conveyor Series 300-F
Equipped with screwed-in load-bearing rollers that have a single sprocket end with a continual chain drivetrain. This roller conveyor is equipped with fork slots on the non-sprocketed end of the load-bearing rollers for side loading with a forklift.
Motorized Tangential Roller Conveyor Series 300-F
Equipped with screwed in load-bearing rollers with a single sprocket end. The roller conveyor is additionally equipped with a pneumatic centering device which centrally aligns products with varying widths on the roller conveyor.
Motorized Roller Conveyor with Short Chains Series 300-K
Equipped with screwed in load-bearing rollers with a double sprocketed end. Beginning at a roller conveyor height of 280 mm (11.03 in) the roller conveyors drivetrain and motor are mounted under the side guards.
Motorized Roller Conveyor with Short Chains Series 300-K
Equipped with screwed in load-bearing rollers with a double sprocketed end. This roller conveyor is equipped with fork slots on the non-sprocketed end of the load-bearing rollers for side loading with a forklift.
Motorized Heavy-Duty Roller Conveyor
Designed for especially high capacities. Load-bearing rollers with welded on shaft extensions and bearings in vertical and flange bearings. Load-bearing rollers with a diameter of either 133 mm or 159 mm are primarily used in this heavy-duty conveyor.